Upcoming Events & More!
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January Active Adults Newsletter:

Happy New Year!

Please note this is not a full list of our classes and events. Don’t miss out on any of the fun! Check out all of our offerings at:


All classes require registration, which can be done in any of the following 3 ways:


1. Phone: 719.955.3400 or 719.209.1717

2. In person: Downtown Y (207 N. Nevada Ave.) or Westside Cottages (1616 W. Bijou St.)

3. Online:

Important Dates to Remember:


  • Spring Session Begins January 6th

Radio Drama & Creative Memoir

Monday, Jan 6th - Feb 17th 2:00-3:15 p.m. 
Westside Cottages (1616 W. Bijou St.)
Storytelling, Memoir and Performance. In these sessions participants will share stories, create connections and learn the basics of acting and performance. Games and exercises will intermingle with enjoyable life review, creative writing and storytelling exercises. 
No experience necessary!


Google Maps

Thursday, January 9th - 1:30 - 2:30 p.m
Downtown YMCA (207 N. Nevada Ave.)
 Google Maps is a mapping application that offers satellite imagery, street maps, and street-view perspectives. It also has a route planner for your preferred transportation method, be it foot, car, bicycle or public transportation.


Joint Pain Health

Wednesday, January 15th - 1:30 - 2:30 p.m 
Downtown YMCA (207 N. Nevada Ave.)
Is joint pain keeping you from activities you love?
Then take the first step towards recovery. 
Attend this free educational event with Dr. Forrester, MD. 
Dr. Forrester will discuss causes and treatments of joint pain as well as new advances in technology.


Pancake Breakfast!

Friday, January 17th - 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Westside Cottages (1616 W. Bijou St.)


It's pancake time! You will get pancakes, juice/coffee, and fruit for a great price. Come and eat breakfast with friends.


Long Term Care Options

Wednesday, January 22nd - 1:30 - 2:30 p.m 

Westside Cottages (1616 W. Bijou St.)


 We will review the various types of Long Term Care services available, their costs and how to pay for them.


How to Choose a New Computer

Thursday, January 23rd - 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 

Downtown YMCA (207 N. Nevada Ave.)


Looking for a new computer? This informational session addresses some of the most common questions surrounding how to choose a new computer.


December Fun!

Cripple Creek Theater Trip

Senior Chorale!

Rick Taylor

If you need any help please reach out for assistance. Your Senior Center team is here to help you stay connected and involved. 

Call us at 719.955.3400!

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